The Huron Perth Quilters' Guild meet the second Tuesday of each month from September to May. Meetings are held at the Kirkton/Woodham Community Centre from 9:15 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join no matter what their skill level is. Yearly membership fee is $45.00.
Our Guild provides many workshops during the meeting time for our members to enjoy. Members teach members in these workshops, sharing their skills and knowledge. We have many very talented individuals in our Guild. Some are machine quilters, hand quilters, quilt shop owners, pattern designers, floral designers etc. etc. From time to time there are chartered bus trips to different events. Well known and respected teachers/lecturers are brought in to share their experience with us several times a year as well as much enjoyed trunk shows.
Each month we invite a Vendor to set up a display so members can browse the latest fabrics, patterns, books and notions. Starting this September members are encouraged to come early as we will be having the "Vendor of the month" set up for 9:00 am. This will give everyone more time to enjoy what our Vendors have to offer.
Show and Tell is very popular at our Guild meetings. Members are encouraged to bring items they have made to show to the rest of the members. There is often a prize donated from our Vendor of the month to be drawn and one lucky member who participates in Show and Tell will win.
Our Guild does a lot of charity work. Our members donate numerous hours of their time making charity quilts for people in need. Their kindness and generosity is very much appreciated.
We also have an excellent library with great instructional books for members to sign out free of charge.
So come out to Huron Perth Quilters Guild and enjoy interacting with others who enjoy quilting. Who may even make a few new friends :)